Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ups and Downs

Well I'll start this post with the good news:
My OB appointment on Monday went perfectly. More than perfectly. It was quite possibly one of the best days of my life. I saw our little blobs heartbeat. And it was FAST!  I was by myself because DH is on a business trip. But we spoke immediately after the appointment and I could hear the relief in his voice.  Of course my doctor (who I really do like), had to go and ruin the moment by saying 'We're not out of the woods yet!'. Like I don't know that.  But who cares, because this thing is alive! And I have the picture to prove it.

On a sadder note, I think I have lost all control of my emotions.  I have been bawling my eyes out at TV, in particular the show '16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom'.  There is a young couple on it who decided to give their little girl up for adoption. It was truly heartbreaking.

Today I decided to call Ikea in Long Island who I have been having issues with since 3 weeks ago when I asked to do a phone order. Long story short, they finally took the order on Friday. The guy that took the order was clearly miserable in his job, and had a bad cold (which I heard every hideous sniff of).  I had an inkling that he wasn't getting everything in the order. However, I had faith that they would have a system, and that system would work.

How wrong I was.

Today I call to check up on the order. I have heard nothing since Friday.  The woman who answers the phone asks me who I spoke to on Friday. I say I don't know, I can't remember his name. (And I refrained from criticizing him.)  Then she gets all high and mighty and claims that she can't really help me and that I should know his name. So I ask 'how is it my problem, that you can't find my order because I don't know the guys name?'. And she say 'WHY ARE YOU BEING SO RUDE'?  WTF!!!?
Then she calms down a bit, I finally tell her that the guy was very rude, and I am very frustrated. She tells me she gets frustrated too. Do I care? Just get me my order. Which by the way, contains a bed I need to sleep in on Friday night. 
By this stage I am actually crying a little bit, and feeling angry at myself for doing so. She tells me I should go and find a fax machine and fax her this form. I tell her I am pregnant with morning sickness and there is a blizzard outside. She seems to understand.  Now I wait for 'Florence' to call me back. We'll see.

Writing this has helped me to calm down, but I'm sure in normal circumstances (I.E not pregnant) I would not have cried at this experience.  Screw them!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Scared out of my brain

It's 4 days until my next OB appt, and I'm so so scared. Since yesterday, I have no pain in my boobs, and am not nauseous at all today. I feel so nervous.  DH is leaving for a work trip on Saturday, and won't be back until next Friday. If there's bad news at the doctor, I'm on my own.  Do all woman get as scared as this?  Everything I read online just makes me feel so much worse.
I don't know what else to say. I don't even want to leave the house. I don't think behaving like this can be helpful, but I have such a bad feeling about things.  I know that outside the apartment, normal life is happening. But in my head, I am totally freaking out.