How Far Along? 23 weeks
Maternity Clothes? Almost everything maternity now. I'm living in my leggings, and I also bought a cute little denim skirt with the secret fit belly from Pea in the Pod. My main issue is bras. I seriously cannot find one that fits. I mean I was always large in the chest, but I can't be the only one looking for size E right?
Stretch Marks? Not yet - fingers crossed.
Sleep? Pretty bad really. I am in Stockholm for 6 weeks, and sleeping in an unknown bed. DH is a terrible snorer, so I end up moving to the spare bed most nights. It's a single. And I'm incredibly uncomfortable. I ordered another S.noogle online yesterday to come to Sweden as I had to leave mine in NYC!
Best Moment of the Week? Walking without my crutches. A very long story, but I was hit by a metal door on the Staten Island F.erry 2 weeks ago and damaged/cut my foot badly. Ambulance/hospital etc, very traumatic as DH was already here in Sweden. But on Saturday I was liberated from the crutches, and can now gingerly walk around. Baby boy was totally fine (although in my initial shock of the accident I was terrified he wasn't), and is dancing around all the time (right now in fact!). Also, DH got to feel him kick for the first time 2 nights ago. It was pretty special.
Movement? All the time. Sometimes with such force that it is SO weird. But I love feeling him in there - even when it's the middle of the night and he's awake. I could lie there all night and feel him.
Food Cravings? Still sweet things. I try to ease the craving with fruit, but I still always want something sweet (ice-cream, chocolate) every day.
Gender? BOY :)
What I miss? Bizarrely (because I'm not a big drinker) I kind of wanted a glass of wine last week. Maybe because my BFF was in NYC with me and when I finally ventured out to the a restaurant with her on crutches, I could have killed for a champagne. Also - my S.noogle pillow. Please let the new one arrive quickly!
What I'm looking forward to? Being completely mobile again and looking at some cute baby shops in Stockholm.
Weekly Wisdom: With all the pain I was in with my foot, most of my pregnancy related pains seemed to disappear temporarily. Now that I'm off the crutches, they're back! Amazing how mind over matter can rid your body of pain in certain places :) Also, the whole accident really makes me laugh at some of the ladies on the forums I read who complain about things like 'my baby shower is next week and nothing has been bought from my registry'. Try not being able to walk to put things in perspective!
Milestones: Walking again.
Ok that's all for now - I know I'm a slack blogger, but I have another blog for my friends and family (non baby related) and being on the other side of the world from home can make them very demanding for emails and information. I need to get off the laptop sometimes!
8 years ago
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